- Posts: 5
- Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:32 pm
Some basic info:
Agilient 7890 with MSD (to be transferred to FID later)
Column: HP-1 ms, 60m x 0.25um x 250um
Oven: 40 C (held during splitless time), slow ramp (5C to 100C, then 10C/min to 300)
Injector: 0.3uL into .9mL single goose-neck with wool into splitless injector. 2min splitless time, 350C temp. Flows are set so 0.9mL/s for the sake of the MSD vacuum, comes out to about 15psi in injector.
Sample info: ~4wt% BPA in acetonitrile w/ BSTFA:TMCS for silylation
This issue that I am having is that the more sample I inject, the worse signal I am getting from my lighter eluting peaks. My lighter peaks are getting less signal the more sample I inject, while the heavier peaks grow larger (as I would expect). Right now, even going from 0.3uL to 0.5uL results in less signal for the lighter peaks, though using the vapor calculator, both should have no issue as far as overflowing the injector.
What can cause this? Where are these compounds eluting? Is this some problem with my solvent trap? I'd like to inject as much sample as possible given practical limitations, but am not sure why I am losing my lighter compounds. Any advice much appreciated.