
Need Help–No Signal/Beam in Xevo G2 QTOF (Suspected Pusher)

Discussions about GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-FTIR, and other "coupled" analytical techniques.

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Hi all,

I need some insight regarding an issue with our Xevo G2 QTOF.

We're experiencing no signal and no beam— not even background noise. The engineer suspects a problem with the Graphical Navigator View Pusher Unit Assembly. However, since support for this system ended in 2024, they are unable to provide a quotation for repair or replacement and are instead suggesting an upgrade rather than fixing the issue.

What are our best options to get our QTOF running again? Are there any refurbished parts available for purchase?

I’d really appreciate any advice or recommendations.


That's a tough one you are having here. I would first try to contact a few companies which are specialized in servicing diverse mass spec brands and ask them if they still have some parts in stock. This would also be an opportunity to discuss about the next steps with them, because even if you fix this one, you will have the same problem the next time the instrument breaks down. As it is 13-15 years old, it will happen more sooner than later...

Such service-based companies may have less interest to sell you an upgraded instrument, so you will at least get a different (-ly biased) opinion from that of Waters!
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