
5890/5971 resurrection

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I'm here :) Dirk, you're genius. After trying and trying and reinstalling XP and messing and breaking everything else (removing the 82350 what feels like 300 times) now I finally figured it out thanks to your genius tip. On XP at least I now have my 5890/5972 running!! Also I can access a 6980 with a 5972 attached, plus autosampler, and control everything, and with the new user with restricted (denied) write permissions on C:/ but ONLY the root directory on C:/ (no inheritances or other directories) MSDA comes up just fine! WHAT A RELIEF!
I haven't tried installing 1701BA on 7 or 10, but I imagine it works sort of that way, but yes, a walkthrough by screensharing would surely be of great help, as I think you mentioned the tweaking of the win.ini and other hacks? In the meantime - thanks again for pointing me in the right direction :))))
Hi Flowster,

As you've noticed, the critical 'hack' is the write deny on C:\ without inheritance.

This fixes something in the macro loading routines which breaks when C:\ is writeable (I think it doesn't switch to using the TMP/TEMP directory).

Reinstalling the 82350 has the nasty side effect of undoing the SICL interface name change so you need to re-do the interface rename to 'hp82341'. This caught me out a couple of times.

If you're not running a 5970 or 71 you shouldn't need the win.ini or macro hacks, or manual creation of the instrument directory.

Those are needed to make a 5970 recognised at all (SC II only) and for a 5971 not to run as a GCD.

I've never tried running with a 5973 or 6890 so no idea whether anything special is needed.

What's your preferred screenshare app? Ho can i contact you off-forum?

Sorry for the double post, sometimes connection drops to slowest internet on the planet, so hitting the button twice out of despair does occasionally occur.
Now both data analysis and instrument control work on XP, I can run a single vial from the autosampler, but trying to start a sequence seems impossible, and stops with different errors every time.
Dirk, I am at mail at florianlohmann dot de. And when I am not trying to bring dinosaurs back to life I am normally also on zoom + mac, legacy El Capitan though. And yes, I just recently got a hold of the 5972, the original idea was to save the dying computer system on my 5971, which I resurrected just like yours.
Just FYI, you have the B.02.00 patches installed on your G1701BA install? I have this memory one of them corrects some autosampler bugs in sequences.

Hi, I’m trying to connect ChemStation (Rev. B.04.03-SP1 [87]) with HP 6890A (G1530A) and HP7673A (G1512A) via GPIB (HPIB). The computer is running on Windows 10 64-bit. The installation of programs, drivers, libraries went smoothly without any issues, and the programs start without any system errors.

According to this post, I installed Ni drivers for GPIB and Keysight IO. Additionally, I entered “hp82341” in the SICL interface. The autoscan detects two devices, one correctly and the other as “Unknown”. The GPIB addresses are set to 0 for PC, 8 and 16 for devices.!AmQMhPwhclbvj74kJp2 ... g?e=0gG4W1
I don't know computers, but I do remember entering in “hp82341” and that the bus address must be set to 30.

Of course I don't know what a bus address is.....
Hello Flo,

Sorry for the very delayed reply- I now have G1701BA B.02 running on Windows 10 32-bit and Wine.

Please advise if you'd still like instructions for installing and running in one of these environments.

Hello Dirk
Found your post through search, and would like the instructions how to install BA on 5971/ 5890 on windows 10 machine. Please contact me if you are still available to share the installation.
Thank you
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