Question Excerpt From chromatography

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I have some questions on chromatography
Q.1) Which of the following is correct statement
A. Resolution is proportional to the square root of the number of theoretical plates in a column
B. Resolution is inverse proportional to the square root of the number of theoretical plates in a column
C. Resolution is proportional to the square of the number of theoretical plates in a column
D. Resolution is proportional to the number of theoretical plates in a column
E. Resolution is inverse proportional to the number of theoretical plates in a column

Q.2) What useful information can be found from a Van Deemter plot?
A. The selectivity factor
B. Optimum mobile phase flow rate
C. Optimum column temperature
D. The capacity factor
E. none

Q.3) Absorption in chromatography is a process of
A. Partitioning
B. Attenuation
C. Bulk phenomenon
D. Surface property
E. none of the above

Q.4) Prevention of back flow during pump reciprocation is done by
A. Adapter
B. Back diffusion
C. Check valve
D. Degassing
E. Either of the above

Q.5) Sieving is the mechanism of separation in

Q.6) Channeling, denotes the presence of an empty volume (void) within a packed column leads to
A. Band broadening
B. Peak splitting
C. Decrease in column efficiency
D. Increased Tailing
E. All of the above

Q.7) The process of release of Volatile/ soluble components of a GC or HPLC stationary phase
A. Bleed
B. Creep
C. Back flush
D. Back diffusion
E. Back pressure
Q.8) BET method uses which of the following adsorption isotherms
A. N2
B. He
C. O2
D. all of the above
E. none

Q.9) BET test is used to determined which of the following property of porous material
a) Surface area b) Pore volume c) Pore size and distribution
A. a, b only
B. b, c only
C. c, a only
D. a, b, c
E. a only

Q.10) Back flush is a technique used to
A. Clean an LC column from materials that deposited on the head of the column

B. Measure resistance to flow through a chromatographic system
C. Describe analyte envelope as it moves through the stationary phase
D. Peak shape
E. none of the above

Q.11) Which of the following in not true w.r.t Asymmetric factor Ax
a) For perfect peaks Ax= 1.0
b) For tailed peaks Ax< 1.0
c) For fronted peaks Ax> 1.0
A. b, c only
B. c, a only
C. a, b only
D. all of the above
E. a only
Q.12) Back diffusion occurs mostly in
B. Gas chromatography

Q.13) Activity coefficient of an ideal solution is
A. >1.0
B. <1.0
C. =0
D. =1.0
E. none

Q.14) Retention factor, k', describe
A. The distribution of an analyte between the stationary and the mobile phase
B. The migration rate of an analyte through a column
C. The velocity of the mobile phase
D. a and b
E. b and c

Q.15) If several compounds are present in a sample which is developed on a TLC plate, a column of spots is seen on the developed plate, with:

A. more polar compounds toward the top of the plate and less polar toward the bottom
B. more polar compounds toward the bottom of the plate and less polar toward the top
C. lower boiling compounds toward the bottom of the plate and higher boiling toward the top
D. lower boiling compounds toward the top of the plate and higher boiling toward the bottom
E. a or b

Q.16) TLC is generally used as a qualitative analytical technique for
A. determining the number of components in a mixture
B. checking the purity of a compound
C. following the course of a reaction
D. all of the above
E. none

Q.17) Which of the following techniques does not use the mass
spectrometer as a detector?

A. gas chromatography
B. high performance liquid chromatography
C. nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
D. atomic absorption spectroscopy
E. both C and D

Q.18) Which of the following techniques is least useful for structural determination of
small organics
A. UV spectroscopy
E. mass

Q.19) In GC, retention depends upon the
A. vapor pressure and polarity of the solute
B. size and charge of the solute
C. the method of sample introduction
D. the type of detector used
E. type of column used

Q.20) Which of the following is not an advantage of HPLC over GC?
A. more versatile in adjusting separation parameters
B. a greater number of theoretical plates
C. applicable to wider range of analytes
D. none of the above
Q.21) The main advantage of the mass spectrometer over the flame ionization detector
as a GC detector is
A. dynamic range
B. rate at which data is acquired
C. compound identification through library matching
D. sensitivity
E. both A and D

Q.22) Which of the following is true reg. Chemisorptions?
A. an adsorption process, results in an irreversible chemical reaction of the analyte with sorbent surface
B. an absorption process, results in an irreversible chemical reaction of the analyte with sorbent surface
C. an adsorption process, results in an reversible chemical reaction of the analyte with sorbent surface
D. an absorption process, results in an reversible chemical reaction of the analyte with sorbent surface
E. none

Q.23) Choose the correct result of channeling
a) ↓ in column efficiency
b) ↑ tailing
c) ↓ tailing
d) ↑ in column efficiency
A. a and b
B. b and d
C. a and c
D. c and d
E. all of the above

“Brock Mann Activity Scale” is used in the characterization of
A. Stationary phase
B. Mobile phase
C. Buffer system used
D. Column specification
E. all of the above

Q.25) The application zeta potential for Electro Osmotic Mobility is useful in

The form of end product of silica gel after polymerization used in HPLC packing material
A. Hydrogel
B. Aquagel
C. Xerogel
D. Aerogel
E. none

Q.27) In general the lamp used in variable wavelength detector for UV in HPLC
A. Deuterium
B. Tungsten
C. Carbon arc
D. xenon
E. Any one of the above

Q.28) The concept of “Triple Point” is useful for one of the following separation technique

Q.29) Which of the following is most commonly used Basic mobile phase modifier in RP-HPLC
E. all of the above

A compound that is not a part of the sample matrix and is added to a sample before the preparation step in HPLC is called
A. Tar
B. Surrogate
C. Creep
D. Bleed
E. Drift
Q.31) The term “split ratio” has greater impact in

Q.32) Peak broadening is greatly contributed by
A. Column fitting
B. Mobile phase flow rate/ viscosity
C. Stagnant mobile phase in column
D. Detector sensitiveness
E. Stationary phase nature

Q.33) Which of the following is called as “Soap Chromatography”

Q.34) A TLC technique uses centrifugal forces to accelerate the solvent flow from the center of the plate
C. Adsorption chromatography
D. Bonded phase chromatography
E. Non-bonded phase chromatography

Q.35) Retention factor, k is most commonly used in describing
Q.36) Response time, is the time required for the detector to attain a percent of the final response signal (98%). Too slow a response time leads to
A. Peak broadening
B. Peak tailing
C. Peak distortion
D. Peak doubling
E. none

Q.37) The parameter merely used to compare the relative column efficiencies for column having packing material with different particle size
A. Reduced plate height
B. Partial diameter
D. Both a and b
E. All of the above

Q.38) Which of the following is not true reg. “Radial thin-layer chromatography”
A. A TLC technique that spots a sample in the center of circular plate
B. Sample is carried out radially from the center spot as the solvent moves away from the wick
C. Solvent applied to the spot through a wick
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Q.39) The use of Radio activity detector commonly found in

Q.40) An LC technique merely used for the separation of Macro molecules
A. Diffusion chromatography
B. Perfusion chromatography
C. Adsorption chromatography
D. Exclusion chromatography
E. None

Q.41) In the equation n = 1+0.25[N1/2×ln(1+K1e)] ; n is
A. Peak maximum
B. Peak skimming constant
C. Peak capacity
D. Peak number
E. Peak height

Q.42) For Over-Pressured Layer Chromatography (OPLC), the in correct statement is
A. A TLC technique in which sorbent layer is firmly pressed against a cover membrane and solvent is forced through sorbent layer
B. It is a type of planar chromatography
C. It has advantage over HPLC that viscous solvents can be used
D. The development of chromatogram is slower than that of TLC
E. All othe above

Q.43) Analyte that are extremely Hydrophobic (or) incompatible with water, a mobile phase that contains no water is used. The separation is termed as
A. Reversed phase chromatography
B. Normal phase chromatography
C. Non- aqueous Reversed phase chromatography
D. Aqueous Normal phase chromatography
E. None
Q.44) Miscibility number M, is the term useful for prediction of polarity / non- polarity—the correct statement among the following is
A. M value ranges from 2-29 (2 for polar & 29 for non- polar)
B. If M number differing by < 15; pair of solvents are miscible at room temp.
C. If M number differing by > 15; pair of solvents are immiscible at room temp.
D. If M= 16 miscibility is strongly temperature dependent around room temp
E. All of the above

Q.45) The elution is depends on ‘boiling point” of analytes (very low B.P); observed in

Q.46) The intermediate adsorbent commonly used for separation of xanthophylls and carotenoids
A. Aluminium silicate
B. Starch
C. Calcium carbonate
D. Megnesium carbonate
E. Cellulose

Q.47) If the two analytes present in the sample are of similar chemical type; choose the correct chromatographic technique for separation
A. Partition chromatography
B. Adsorption chromatography
C. Chiral chromatography
D. Ion pair chromatography
E. Gel chromatography

Q.48) In which of the following stationary phase, a Non- polar compound eluted first and retained less
A. Xerogel
B. Karmosil
D. All of the above

Q.49) The compound eluted last and retained more in Normal and Reversed phase are
A. Polar and Non-polar
B. Non- polar and Polar
C. Both are in Polar
D. Both are in Non- polar
E. None of the above

Q.50) Migration time is used especially in place of Retention time for

Who interested in these questions may discuss with me. Have fun!
susan12 wrote:
I have some (homework) questions on chromatography (that I'd like answered for me)...

Please make an honest attempt to glean the anwers for yourself from your lecture notes or text. If there are specific issues you fail to grasp, someone may be willing to help.
If you check out the polocies section on this site, you'll find a thread called "Do's and Don'ts"

Item 6 reads as follows:

The Forum is not intended to be a substitute for "doing your homework". Posts like "Send me all information about analysis of dimethylchickenwire . . ." usually get very little response, whereas something like "I have searched the literature and can find no suitable method for the analysis of dimethylchickenwire; does anyone have any suggestions . . ." usually do much better. [ "dimethylchickenwire" is not a real compound, by the way]

This policy is common to a lot of similar sites. We aren't here to force feed answers to you (you will learn little if we were to do so). You are set this type of homework in order to learn. Also it's not necessarily about getting the correct answer but about what measures and the experience you gain when searching for the answers.

I'm not the most brilliant mind on the planet and never will be, but what I am able to do is to search for the knolwledge I need to overcome problems.
Good judgment comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
I came here to try and offer some help,

I laughed out loud when I saw multiple choice questions. Are you seriously asking me to do your homework?
I'd love to think I'm not replying to this post because it's unhelpful to do someone else's homework, but in all honesty I'm not replying because I'd probably get the answers wrong and embarrass myself...
lmh wrote:
I'd love to think I'm not replying to this post because it's unhelpful to do someone else's homework, but in all honesty I'm not replying because I'd probably get the answers wrong and embarrass myself...

I think I'm going to second lmh's answer here.
All standard disclaimers apply. My posts are my opinions only and do not necessarily reflect the policies of my employer.
This gave me a good laugh. Should this be moved to around the water cooler??
Analytical Chemist and Adventurer
Venture Industries
Spider-Skull Island
I'm glad someone has reactivated this thread. I still enjoy question 2, and wonder if anyone ever dared answer "E"?

(my justification: in GC-MS world, I have absolutely no idea what the linear flow in the column is anyway, since it must be different at the start to the end, as the pressures at the start and end are totally different, and therefore the volume occupied by a given mass of gas is different - so how can you plot linear flow in GC world?? And in LC world most modern systems have van Deemter plots that are flat as a pancake so you can use them over a range of flows - if you can reach the optimum anyway. And the only place you ever see a van Deemter curve is in chapter 2 of every text-book, after which it's quietly ignored. My impression is that the plots are used almost exclusively to intimidate non-initiates and test students. Answer "E" is therefore correct.)
Hi All

I agree 100 % with lmh when he/she says:

"And the only place you ever see a van Deemter curve is in chapter 2 of every text-book, after which it's quietly ignored. My impression is that the plots are used almost exclusively to intimidate non-initiates and test students. Answer "E" is therefore correct.)
I'm glad someone has reactivated this thread. I still enjoy question 2, and wonder if anyone ever dared answer "E"?"

Going back to susan12, I'm sorry but you have to go to the library consult many books and spend many hours in this subject.

Greetings to all members of this allways interesting forum

Could I just get a little help with these 50 questions? Also, can I bring my laundry over, and do you have 20 bucks I could borrow?
lmh wrote:
I'm glad someone has reactivated this thread. I still enjoy question 2, and wonder if anyone ever dared answer "E"?

(my justification: in GC-MS world, I have absolutely no idea what the linear flow in the column is anyway, since it must be different at the start to the end, as the pressures at the start and end are totally different, and therefore the volume occupied by a given mass of gas is different - so how can you plot linear flow in GC world??

Therfore you can select the 'constant flow mode' on modern GCs.

I'm just kidding :wink:
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