You have given nowhere near enough information to allow specific answers, but in VERY general terms:
1. the mystery peak could be anything:
- a degradation product from your standard ?
- a contaminant in your standard or your diluent ?
2. the rising baseline is most probably associated with the increase in temperature (assuming you are temperature programming, not isothermal):
- some detectors are more sensitive to temperature effects than others
- some stationary phases are more volatile than others and "bleed" as the temperature increases.
Hi and sorry that I am so late in getting back to you. Thank you very much for your explanation. The impurity argument could be, the higher the concentration from my standard gets, the more insignificant the small peak becomes, until it disappears completely at 8 mg/ml from a standard solution.
Yeah, the column is already very old, column bleeding cannot be excluded, but my professor also said that the increase is related to the temperature.