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Sequence line msd chemstation

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:35 pm
by bagee

I’m trying to get the sequence line number to print on our reports. I’ve used Val$(_seqline) but it doesn’t work. It says the variable is not defined.

Any help appreciated.

Or would there be an easy method to print the sequence table automatically after certain individuals run their samples? While sequence is running.

Re: Sequence line msd chemstation

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 3:05 pm
by Trishia
_seqline is a valid variable (just checked); you can use it for example to move through the sample log table in MSD Chemstation.

As for printing the sequence table, not sure what version of MSD Chemstation you are using, but have a look at the macros in the ictopcm2.mac file (for example shortseq, which outputs the sequence table to a text file and then prints it); you can modify one of those to name and have the file produced in the folder of your choice, and you can also comment out the actual printing to printer part.