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Chemstation and PDFcreator issue

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:01 am
by allenami
Hi all,

I am using a LCMS 1260+6120, and Openlab CDS chemstation edition C 01.07 [27] software.

I use PDFCreator to achieve auto-print to PDF to local disk and to FTP server.

But the PDF files I got are all named after the sequence, it seems chemstation only send that to the printer not the datafile name?

Are there some settings in chemstation or PDF creator that can be changed to help solve this?

Some of the settings I use can be seen below.

Any kind of help would be appreciated.



Re: Chemstation and PDFcreator issue

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:56 pm
by sigma
You may find it more convenient to generate a single pdf report for your entire sequence rather than generating individual pdf reports for every datafile. You can do that under Sequence Parameters -> Sequence Output -> check the "Print sequence summary report", and select "Report to PDF". Save your sequence as usual and go to Data Analysis, load the sequence, go into "Ready/Reprocess Data Mode", hit the little green arrow. It will go through the entire sequence (and keep any manual integrations) and generate a single pdf file as C:/Chem32/1/Data/yoursequence/GLPrprt.pdf

I do not have an answer for your issue with the pdf named after the sequence, that is an unusual outcome.

Edit: also under Sequence Output, click on "Setup" and then check the "6. Analysis Reports" checkbox to make it work correctly.