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Incrorrect injection time compared to runtime

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:45 pm
by HPtarget
I am trying to extract the runtime (aka start time and end time from the chromatogram) so that I can confirm the injection time is correct. I am running Chemstation E 2.0 and higher and I have found incorrect injection times (not time shift but actual time stamp is wrong in the raw data file). Therefore, I would like to extract the injection times from the raw data and the GC's runtime and any other time so that I can prove the injection time is correct or not. I have Target and I can do a lot of this but I prefer to do this at the bench level right when the final *.ch or *.ms gets created.


Re: Incrorrect injection time compared to runtime

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:52 pm
by antonk
We support this file format

and you can extract data in a batch mode:

./ucc dest.xml
grep LastChanged dest.xml

Re: Incrorrect injection time compared to runtime

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:33 pm
by James_Ball
HPtarget wrote:
I am trying to extract the runtime (aka start time and end time from the chromatogram) so that I can confirm the injection time is correct. I am running Chemstation E 2.0 and higher and I have found incorrect injection times (not time shift but actual time stamp is wrong in the raw data file). Therefore, I would like to extract the injection times from the raw data and the GC's runtime and any other time so that I can prove the injection time is correct or not. I have Target and I can do a lot of this but I prefer to do this at the bench level right when the final *.ch or *.ms gets created.


I just noticed this week that in MSDChemstation the time reported as Acquisition Time is actually when the MS begins scanning not the injection time. I know injection time is recorded in the sequence log file, but is there any way to have chemsataion actually report that as the beginning time for the run?

It sounds as we have the same problem with run start times.

Re: Incrorrect injection time compared to runtime

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:49 pm
by HPtarget
name FileStuff
parameter dpdf$ def _datapath$+_datafile$,out$ def _exepath$+"filestuff.bin"
local a
!establish file out
if a[7]=0
open out$ for output as #6
open out$ for append as #6
print using #6,"Data File: %/",dpdf$
print using #6,"File Type: ", _ !this will put raw file name descriptor i.e. HG Descriptor for HP/Agilent MS ChemStation MS Data
print using #6,"Date : %//",_dateacquired$

print using #6,"Name Info: %/",_dataname$
print using #6,"Misc Info: %/",_miscinfo$
print using #6,"Operator : %//",_operator$

print using #6,"Run Time : #.3#:#.3#/",file_start,file_end
TIC !to load X
points X
print using #6,"No Data Points: #/",npoints
print #6,"==================="
close #6

This will get the times and I also use the operating system to get the file modified time help make sure the Injection time is correct. We have not had a problem in a while and it was related to Windows 7 32bit running Chemstation MS 2.0 and above.