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Waters doesn't store Plate size in RAW

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:56 am
by sbashkyrtsev
Waters usually puts the sampler information into its metadata in _HEADER.txt file. This information includes the size of the plate/rack:
$$ Plate Desc: 01TL,YX,LN,1:12,2:8,3: 45.0,4: 45.0,5: 0.0,6: 0.0,7:O,8:O,9:1280.0,10:860.0,11:140.0,12:120.0,13:121.0,14: 90.0
Bold letters represent the dimensions. But recently I've ran into results that are missing this info, so I've got empty:
$$ Plate Desc:
Does anyone know if there's a special setting in MassLynx that prevents this data to be written?