
Retention time shift

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I have been using a Dionex ics-5000+ since may and have had no problems until recently the peaks I am analyzing have shifted about 1.0-1.2 minutes. The total run time is 5.0 min with a normal retention time of 1.8-2.3 min and 2.6-3.1 min. The flowrate set is 1.6 mL/min, column temp at 35 degrees. I have changed out the column and suppressor prepped fresh mobile phase (30 mM MSA) and am still having this issue. My system suit fails every run because of the resolution between peaks. Is there anything I can try out to fix this problem?
When the motor started to fail on my 2100 retention times shifted a lot even though the baseline looked fine. Is the motor starting to make any noises? It's an expensive repair.
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