Hi all,

We have a thermal finnigan deca instrument. I got high intensity noise problem during LC-MS/MS method development.

This is what I did so far. All the ionization and fragmentation parameters were optimized during MS direct infusion experiment. When I switched to the LCMS experiment, I got good signal/noise for analyte peak when I ran LC-MS (SIM) while that was not the case for LC-MS/MS. I observed high intensity background noise and almost no noticeable analyte peak during LC-MS/MS. I have cleaned the MS down to the trap part. I was thinking the problem should not come from the contamination. I have also tried to tighten the screw for the helium inlet part again. Are there any other parts I should check again in case that the problem was coming from some faulty parts? Or I still should focus on the parameter optimization?

Here is a list of noise intensity I obtained for comparison:

MS Direct infusion:
MS (Scan): E1-E2 MS/MS (Scan): E1

LC-MS (Scan): E5 [mass range: 50-500] E4 [mass range: 500-2000]

LC-MS/MS (Scan): E4 LC-MS/MS (SRM): E3

Parameters for LC-MS/MS experiment:

Column: C18 4.6 mm x 250 mm
Flow rate: 0.5 ml/min
(I tried 0.2 ml/min. That doesn’t help to reduce the background noise during LC-MS/MS.)
Mobile phase: 0.1% formic acid in ACN : 0.1% formic acid in H2O = 38: 62
Spray voltage: 5 kV
Capillary temp: 300 C
Collision voltage: 10 V
Collision energy percentage: 35%

Additionally, I had another problem which is mass shifting (+1 amu) after I cleaned the ms. Is this a helium leaking problem or are there some other possible reasons?

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated!

Here are some sample chromatograms:





Thank you!