
We are observing an unusual peak pattern when we run Methyl trifluoromethanesulfonate [333-27-7] on GC (please see picture). Does anyone know what causes this?

The sample is approximately 0.8uL of Methyl trifluoromethanesulfonate dissolved in 1.5mL of solvent (Acetonitrile or Methanol). We are using GC-2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph.

Carrier gas: He
Split ratio: 40
Split temperature: 200-250°C (depending on which method file was used)
Column temperature: 40°C for 2 minutes, increase by 15°C up to 200°C or 300°C
FID temperature: 300°C

I have attached some of our chromatograms. The peaks persist for several subsequent runs. I hope this is not severely damaging the GC components.

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to make suggestions regarding the above method. We are quite new to GC and the method we are using is just derived from a basic method set up by the equipment dealer.

5ms column, Acetonitrile solvent

5ms column, Methanol solvent

Wax column, Acetonitrile solvent