
Charged Aerosol Detector High Flow Ratio Error

Discussions about methods, troubleshooting and best practices across both pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical analysis.

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I'm using Dionex Corona Ultra Charged Aerosol Detector and it's giving me a High Flow Ratio Error. Operating Manual is here: ... ing_Manual

Page 7 contains the schematic.

The Flow Ratio is stuck at 3.87 (supposed to be 1.0). It never deviates from this, doesn't wobble, it just reads 3.87 all the time.

Troubleshooting says blockage in the detector, call tech support. This instrument is so old we can't call technical support, they're not helping. I'd like to try and clean it/ unblock it myself. Does anyone have experience with this.

The FLow ratio is the ration between two gas pressures.
The CAD instrument has two pressure transducers that read the ratio of pressure between the mixing chamber and charger head.
So if you are experienced, check/clean the charger head, aerosol inlet and nebulizer thorougly with water and afterwards acetone (must be absolutely dry).
With the Charer HEad very! carefully remove the yellow peek tubung with the needle inside, then you can sonicate the charger head.
Good luck
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