By Kaoula on Saturday, July 17, 2004 - 10:01 am:

Hi all:

I have an question about the high and the area of peak:

if I have a stable high of peak but unstable area can I use the high of the peak to calculate the percent of active ingredient instead the area ???

Thank you

By tom jupille on Monday, July 19, 2004 - 09:23 am:

That depends on the circumstances:
- if you are running a validated method, then no, you cannot change from area to height.
- if you are developing a method that is to be validated, then you can validate using either peak height or peak area. For large peaks, area is usually more reproducible than height. For small peaks or poorly resolved peaks, height may be more reproducible than area. You may be asked by a reviewer to justify your choice.
- if this is an unvalidated method (a "quick and dirty") then either area or height can be used. Again, though, you need to identify the reason for the discrepancy in reprodibility (flow rate problems? an unresolved impurity?).